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Although I saw the Sandwich tern again and a large huddle of Turnstones, as well as lots of other birds, the stars of my circuit of Cardiff Bay yesterday were the Sand martins, which are now here in large numbers. As I walked across the Barrage, these gorgeous little birds were buzzing constantly overhead, flitting low over the water just off the edge of the Barrage grass, then coming in to land and preen on the gabions.

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Being able to see those martins up close was a delight but things only got better. Sand martins nest in the holes along the concrete edges of the old dock by Tiger Yard, and that area was just alive with birds, seemingly arguing about ownership of particular holes, gathering nesting material, and generally going out their Sand martin business. Some of those beginning to make their nests comfortable were landing on the dock edge to gather moss and grasses. They were behind railing but less than a metre from me so, by staying still, I was able to get a few good close ups. They were simply magical to watch!

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