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It’s always a delightful surprise to spot the tiny blue flowers of Milkwort in amongst the grasses and other wildflowers. Apparently, the flowers, which bloom from May right through to September in some locations, can also be deep purple and white but I’ve only ever seen this wonderful bright blue hue.

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Wikipedia reports that Classical and Renaissance writers stated ‘common milkwort was used medicinally as an infusion to increase the flow of a nursing mother’s milk’.

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I have assumed until now that the Milkwort plants I’ve seen, in various locations from grasslands to a coal spoil tip, have all been Common milkwort (Polygala vulgaris) but I admit that I have been so taken with the flowers that I haven’t paid much attention to the leaves. It seems that Heath Milkwort (Polygala serpyllifolia) is another possibility and, in future, I need to check whether the lower leaves are opposite each other on the stems (Heath milkwort) or alternate (Common milkwort).

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