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At the beginning of the year I’d never seen Red-eyed damselflies before. Then I found them along the River Ely in Cardiff in May (Lifer: Red-eyed damselflies, 24 May). And last Friday I had a wonderful time watching them flitting about on Cardiff’s inner city canals.

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According to the NBN Atlas records for Erythromma najas, they were first reported in that location last August. I had been meaning to check the site but hadn’t got around to it before a local birder reported seeing them last Thursday.

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Friday was a dull day (it’s usually easiest to see dragon- and damselflies in warm sunshine) but more pleasant for me walking to the area so I thought I’d take a chance.

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At this time of year, the canals are almost covered by weed and lily pads, where the Red-eyed damselflies might be expected to be seen sitting, but they also like to use waterside vegetation to perch on and that’s where I eventually found them. What gorgeous creatures they are!

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